Alcune informazioni sul WEB

dal Website Simply The Net

"Sinonimi: Web, WWW, o W3.

Cos'è: Per molti è  l'equivalente di  Internet,  ma  in  realtà  è  solamente  l' applicazione di Internet  più diffusa e conosciuta. Il WWW  è un sistema  che permette di visualizzare sotto forma di pagine, testi, immagini, suoni e video. Usando un sistema ipertestuale queste pagine possono essere collegate fra loro indipendentemente dal luogo in cui i computer che le ospitano si trovano. Per spostarsi da una pagina all'altra, basta cliccare sui collegamenti (links) ... " ( per continuare a leggere clicca il link )

The World Wide Web Consortium

da: "About World Wide Web Consortium"

The W3C was founded in October 1994 to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing common protocols that promote its evolution and ensure its interoperability. We are an international industry consortium, jointly hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laboratory for Computer Science [MIT/LCS] in the United States; the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique [INRIA] in Europe; and the Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus in Japan. Services provided by the Consortium include: a repository of information about the World Wide Web for developers and users; reference code implementations to embody and promote standards; and various prototype and sample applications to demonstrate use of new technology. Initially, the W3C was established in collaboration with CERN, where the Web originated, with support from DARPA and the European Commission. For details on the joint initiative and the contributions of CERN, INRIA, and MIT, please see the statement on the joint World Wide Web Initiative. The Consortium is led by Tim Berners-Lee, Director and creator of the World Wide Web, and Jean-François Abramatic, Chairman. W3C is funded by Member organizations, and is vendor neutral, working with the global community to produce specifications and reference software that is made freely available throughout the world.

da "The W3 Team"

Tim Berners-Lee, Director

Tim invented the World Wide Web in late 1990 while working at CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland. He wrote the first WWW client (a browser-editor running under NeXTStep) and the first WWW server along with most of the communications software, defining URLs, HTTP and HTML. Prior to his work at CERN, Tim was a founding director of Image Computer Systems, a consultant in hardware and software system design, real-time communications graphics and text processing, and a principal engineer with Plessey Telecommunications in Poole, England. He is a graduate of Oxford University.

Tim is now the overall Director of the W3C. He is a Principal Research Scientist at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science.

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