Tribe Julodini:
In this tribe we can find some of the most interesting, beautiful
and large species among Buprestidae. This tribe is exclusive of the Ancient
World, and its species live in Africa, South and South-East Europe, Middle
Orient, reaching Turkmenistan, Afghanistan. Pakistan and the southern Oriental
Region to the Indomalaysian region. Probably, its origins are in Southern
and Eastern part of Ethiopic Region (Subsaharian Africa and southern Arabian
peninsula), and their Asian and Mediterranean population are less ancient
(many groups of species are actively evolving just now, and their systematics
is not easy).
We have these genera:
Sternocera is typical of tropical regions of Africa and Asia. These species
are very large and massive (from 3 to 6 cm. and more).
Sternocera castanea
Sternocera boucardi
Go to African Sternocera or Asian Sternocera
This genus seems intermediate between Sternocera and Julodis
and ist few species are typical of South and East Africa.
Amblysterna natalensis
Amblysterna johnstoni
It is the most diversified and characteristic genus in this tribe. There
are several species, mostly living in arid and semiarid lands of tropical
and subtropical regions of Africa and East Asia. Others live in steppic areas
of Eastern and Central Asia and in the southern part of Europe. It's possible
to find Julodis also in place without trees and bushes, because their
larval stages live free in the soil.
This genus is closely related to Julodis. Just one species is known:
Aaata finchi, living in Beluchistan (a desertic region belonging to
Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran) It is the largest Paleartic Buprestid (7
cm. and more), and perhaps in the World.
Aaata finchi
Another strictly related genus, very similar to Julodis, typical of
South Africa. Its interesting species are smaller than any other Julodinae
Neojulodis tomentosa
Another genus closely related to Julodis, with few species, typical
of East Asia, from Turkey to Iran and Turkmenistan.
Julodella globithorax