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For almost three thousand years –from the beginning of the Pharaonic dinasties(2850 b.C.) to the year of the Roman Conquest (30 b.C.)- one of the greatest civilization of History has developed along the river Nile: the Egyptian  one. The most important artistic expression of this culture is related to the pyramids, the tombs of the kings,the paintings,sculptures and objects found in them.Some of the  pyramids are huge, with the body of a Pharaon inside(the Cheope pyramid -146 metres high,253 metres wide- is the tallest of the group in Giza ).The architects used to plan systems in order to avoid the desecration of the sepulchre and the stealing of the objects.A lot of people and  money were needed to build and to furnish a pyramid but the Pharaon’s will was just to alter the landscape with its impressive size: he meant to leave an endless signal of his presence.The Egyptian culture had a proper cult of the other world: to enter the dead’s world one had to keep his own features.Actually they mummified  the dead and gave them  clothes, jewels, pastimes, and some of the furnishings they had when alive. Large quantities of food have been found in the tombs,for the long no return journey as well as paintings and bas-reliefs about the activities one had in his own life or on the king’s behalf:scenes of daily routine, artisan or agricultural works,hunting or breeding animals, agricultural implements and arms.Those representations are precious sources of knowledge: they tell us about the Egyptian processing of metals and stones and their agricultural theories.Their Art is very colourful: big public buildings and the Pharaon’s palace had bricks covered with painted plaster and  coloured flags often waved against the blue sky.The paintings on the walls of tombs and buildings were full of colours as well as the bas reliefs and the sculptures.Art was practised by skilled artisans following precise rules, for example the ones determining proportions and measures of the human figure. Egyptian Art has been defined monotonous and repetitive because during the three thousand years of their culture it didn’t sensibly change its  architecture, sculpture and painting.Nevertheless, when it dealt with ordinary people(rather than the Pharaon and the nobles) and their daily life, the style became more natural, sometimes remarkably lively.       

a cura di Martina                               

(C) Stefano Cassone (webmaster, ex alunno)

Giacomo Bruno (professore responsabile del sito)
